Her Excellency Hanna-Leena Korteniemi presented her credentials to Governor General Mary Simon at a ceremony at Rideau Hall on January 7, accompanied by her husband, Mr. Pasi-Pekka Tuominen.
The ambassador holds a Master’s degree in social sciences from the University of Tampere and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Oregon. She joined Finland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2006, where she served at the Political Department’s Unit for Arms Control and Unit for Security Policy and Crisis Management, as well as at the Departments for Global Affairs and for International Trade. She has held foreign postings as the Head of the Unit for Peace and Security at the Permanent Mission of Finland to the UN in New York, and at the Embassy of Finland in Washington D.C. In 2020, she was appointed Head of the Unit for North America.
As a Nordic ambassador to Canada, she is an honorary member of the Canadian Nordic Society and we look forward to meeting her!