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Swedish Ambassador's Reception

Hilde Huus

H.E. Signe Burgstaller on the bottom step. Mr. Bendiksby on the floor, H.E. Hlynur Guðjónsson (Ambassador of Iceland) behind him, H.E. Hanna-Leena Korteniemi in the middle, and H.E. Nikolaj Harris on the top step.
H.E. Signe Burgstaller on the bottom step. Mr. Bendiksby on the floor, H.E. Hlynur Guðjónsson (Ambassador of Iceland) behind him, H.E. Hanna-Leena Korteniemi in the middle, and H.E. Nikolaj Harris on the top step.

On Monday, February 3, Her Excellency Signe Burgstaller held a Nordic networking reception at her residence to introduce the new Nordic Heads of Mission from Denmark, Finland, and Norway. CNS President Trygve Ringereide was in attendance, along with Secretary Marian McLennan and Councillors Raija Hilska and Vibeke Reid. They were pleased to have the opportunity to meet His Excellency Nikolaj Harris (Denmark), Her Excellency Hanna-Leena Korteniemi (Finland), and Mr. Trygve Bendiksby (Norway).

Left to right, Vibeke Reid, Trygve Ringeide, Marian McLennan, and Raija Hilska enjoyed the reception
Left to right, Vibeke Reid, Trygve Ringeide, Marian McLennan, and Raija Hilska enjoyed the reception

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