The annual CNS Christmas Luncheon was held on Monday, December 2nd at the River Lounge on the scenic Rideau River in south Ottawa.
For the first time that anyone can remember, this special event was not held in the Officers’ Mess due to the major renovations taking place there. The challenge of finding a suitable venue at an affordable price fell to Council and everyone chipped in.
Trygve Ringereide located the venue and set up the agreement. Next, Marian McLennan assisted by finalising the menu with Clem, the River Lounge Event Manager. Barry Paulson then took charge of the financial arrangements on Council’s behalf. Our Communications Councillor, Hilde Huus, as always, got the word out in a clear and timely fashion. Councillors then planned the program collectively, including the invitation of members of our Nordic sister organisations, decorations, music and the arrangement of special transportation.
The result was a well attended and truly enjoyable event. We had a great turnout of around 60. Barry, Bruce and Trygve all volunteered as drivers to help folks get there.
The financial aspect of such an important event is critical. Special kudos to Barry who handled the financial aspect of this event from beginning to end, diligently and professionally.
The room looked wonderful thanks to the decorating done by Raija Hilska, Marian McLennan and Vibeke Reid. Special thanks to Vibeke for providing the beautiful Danish Club table decorations!
Raija treated all of us to a really fun Nordic quiz. Who would have known that Santa has so many aliases and different addresses? Thank you, Raija!
On the musical front, special thanks to the Finnish Singers present, Julie Dustin and Stella Ellis, led by Margit Viia-Maiste. Unfortunately, Friends of Finland Acting President, Mirja Kapsalis, was unable to participate due to illness.

Trygve Ringereide led the singalong assisted by Björn Johansson and Tim Mark, plus impromptu volunteers Karin Birnbaum and Wenche Linneboe, as well as the Finnish Singers. Special thanks to Margit for her fine accompaniment and a lovely piano solo! As noted by Trygve, we missed the presence and voice of Hilde Huus, who was attending a family wedding in sunny Jamaica.
Finally, a heartfelt thank you from CNS Council to everyone who attended this special event in our annual calendar. Your presence made this event truly enjoyable and, by all accounts, a success once again!
