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A Tale of Triumph over Hardship

Hilde Huus

Updated: Nov 5, 2024

Photo by Marian McLennan

Lieutenant-Commander Kim Poirrier’s September 18 talk about her life story left me feeling somewhat overwhelmed at the many tough challenges she has faced and overcome in her life and military career. The middle child of ten, she and her family fled Vietnam in a small boat when she was eight years old. Reaching an oil rig at sea, the family was refused assistance until her father took the drastic decision to sink the boat, forcing the oil rig workers to rescue them. Despite this terrifying experience, she felt drawn to the grandeur of the seas and eventually chose a career in the Royal Canadian Navy.

Lt Cmdr Poirrier first trained and worked as a scientist but life circumstances, in particular her marriage to a member of the Armed Forces, led to her decision to join the regular Armed Forces after some years as a member of the Reserves. On top of practical reasons was her strong desire to feel, once and for all, like a real Canadian citizen. From the beginning of her talk and throughout it, she emphasized (and her life has proved), that she is, indeed, a fiercely proud Canadian.

Military basic training was a shock to her, having been raised in a family that tended to spoil her, and in a culture that by no means encouraged a “warrior type.” Her superiors did not see her as someone who belonged in the military. She had to work extremely hard to prove them wrong but made up her mind that she would stick it out no matter what, and she did! She passed her basic training.

Throughout her career she was faced again and again with similar challenges. She needed to learn an assertive, aggressive command style that did not come naturally to her. It was important to her to master this while still remaining true to her genuine self.

While raising a family of two daughters with her husband, Lt Cmdr Poirrier rose through the ranks in many very challenging jobs. She faced harassment and discrimination at times, leading to great stress and struggles with her health. A tour of duty in Afghanistan left her with fond memories of the hard physical work involved, but also the strong camaraderie that develops in perilous situations where true leadership emerges.

In addition to her career and family, Lt Cmdr Poirrier has gained great satisfaction from the charitable work she has undertaken, raising large sums for Syrian refugees, Afghan women, and others.

Lt Cmdr Poirrier certainly did not sugarcoat her life story. She has faced many hardships and challenges, including the sudden, unexpected death of her husband. Perseverance, hard work, and a determination to shift her mindset when all else failed have shaped her and given her a strong, positive outlook on life. In closing, she shared the lessons she has learned over her very eventful life. Life is beautiful, but it is also hard, she said. She has learned to focus on enjoying the present, sharing time with friends and loved ones, and showing compassion and generosity to others. We certainly appreciate her sharing her story and time with us, and are so grateful that she is now our sponsor at the Army Officers’ Mess.

Barry Paulson thanked her wholeheartedly on behalf of the group and presented her with a bouquet and the “coveted” Canadian Nordic Society mug.

CNS President Trygve Ringereide, left, and Treasurer Barry Paulson, right

Photo by LePhan



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